Image Researchers will test worksite sleep health coaching for Arizona firefighters Aug. 7, 2023 Nearly half of career firefighters report short sleep and poor sleep quality. With a $4 million grant, UArizona researchers are working to identify key factors for implementing workplace sleep coaching for firefighters. Read more at UArizona News
Image University of Arizona will join the Big 12 Conference in 2024-25 Aug. 4, 2023 University of Arizona President Robert C. Robbins issued the following statement regarding the University of Arizona's decision to join the Big 12 Conference beginning in the 2024-2025 academic year. Read more at UArizona News
Image Soils in drought stress leak more volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere Aug. 3, 2023 Microbes do a lot under the soil surface that can't be seen with the naked eye, but even tiny soil microbes are feeling the stress of hotter and drier conditions. These microbes release more volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere in response to drought stress, a new study conducted at the Biosphere 2 rainforest finds. Read more at UArizona News
Image 'Cosmic lens' reveals distant galaxies and helps astronomers better understand dark matter Aug. 2, 2023 A new image of the massive El Gordo galaxy cluster, taken by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, shows 62 distorted galaxies behind the cluster. Read more at UArizona News
Image New UArizona study links brain waves directly to memory July 31, 2023 The findings could have implications for treating patients with brain damage and cognitive impairments, including those who have experienced seizures, stroke and Parkinson's disease. Read more at UArizona News
Image Separating lightning fact from fiction July 31, 2023 Is it true that lightning never strikes twice? What is dry lightning? And when should you head indoors during a storm? Climate science specialist Mike Crimmins shares some shocking truths about lightning and thunderstorms. Read more at UArizona News
Image Urgent Care data shows Valley fever season has begun in Arizona July 28, 2023 Arizonans who get pneumonia should ask to be tested for Valley fever, says Dr. John Galgiani, director of the Valley Fever Center for Excellence. Half of all U.S. Valley fever infections occur in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Read more at UArizona News
Image UArizona will help local substance-use recovery program reach more Native American women July 26, 2023 The UArizona New Dawn-Warrior Women project is helping expand the reach of Tucson's Native Ways Program, which helps clients with substance use recovery while incorporating Native American culture and traditions. Read more at UArizona News
Image How cities are battling extreme heat, and why record-breaking temps don't tell the whole story July 26, 2023 Ladd Keith, an expert on heat policy and governance, explains how this year's heat wave extends well beyond Phoenix, how cities are addressing extreme heat and why record-breaking temperatures are an incomplete benchmark for understanding the effects of scorching heat. Read more at UArizona News
Image UArizona expert, cited by Supreme Court, explains ruling on Indian Child Welfare Act July 25, 2023 The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Indian Child Welfare Act, which helps keep Native American adoptees with their families and tribes. Barbara Atwood, a professor emerita of law, discusses the act's history and the arguments in the case. Read more at UArizona News